Swietenia Mahagony is an evergreen to semi-evergreen tree. Due to its excellent timber quality, it is potentially suitable for large-scale timber production plantations, especially in dry areas.
It is also used in agroforestry, for soil improvement, and as ornaments. Buy NPK Fertilizer online from our store to improve the growth of the crops.
Botanical Name:
Swietenia macrophylla
Mahogany Seeds Specifications:
Mahogany Tree Seeds
Other Common Names
Sky fruit, Kadwa, Badam, Sugar Almonds,
Germination Time
2 to 4 weeks
Harvesting Time
9 to 12 months
Average Height of Tree
30-35 m high
Germination Percentage
Colour Variants
Red, Brown, Black
Easy to grow.
High-quality seeds.
Provides higher yield.
The energy of this fruit is 30%.
Reduces soil erosion, which allows crops to grow properly.
Prevents harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
Mahogany Tree Seeds Requirements:
All Season
Fertile, Well-drained, Acidic soil
6 to 8 hrs of sunlight
21°C to 35°C
Regular Watering
NPK 10:10:10
Pretreatment of the Seeds:
Generally not necessary but germination of stored low moisture content seed may be enhanced by soaking in water for 12 hours.
Nursery technique of the seeds:
The seeds are sown in a bed of light sand in 3-7 cm deep furrows, holes, or containers.
Germinating seeds should be under shade and kept moist.
Seeds will germinate in 10-21 days.
The seedlings are kept under shade until outplanting.
The seedlings can be planted in the field at about 50-100 cm tall.
How to Sow Mahoghany Tree Seeds ?
Prepare the soil by adding compost and manure if needed.
Dig the soil 1 inch deep for sowing the seeds.
Sow the seeds 1 inch deep and water them daily.
After sometime, your crops will be ready to get harvested.
Pickup Address: Coimbatore, TAMIL NADU, 641041
12-7 Venketa Kirupa Illam, Selvam Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil nadu 641041
Address of origin: 12-7 Venketa Kirupa Illam, Selvam Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil nadu 641041
Swietenia Mahagony is an evergreen to semi-evergreen tree. Due to its excellent timber quality, it is potentially suitable for large-scale timber production plantations, especially in dry areas.
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