Dr. Bacto’s Bactorhhiza is a premium powder formulation of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) designed to improve plant health and productivity.
With a 1000 IP/gm concentration, this product fosters a symbiotic relationship between mycorrhizae and plant roots, improving nutrient uptake and increasing water absorption capacity. It also enhances growth and protects against pathogens.
Cost-effective: Dr. Bacto’s Bactorhiza is available at a fair price.
Easy to use: It is easy to use and doesn’t require much effort.
Result-driven: A low dose of this powder formulation provides quick and efficient results within a few days.
Enhanced Nutrient Uptake: Improves water absorption.
Boost Water Holding Capacity: It improves the plant’s water and nutrient holding capacity.
Root Development: Stimulates white root growth and root elongation in the rhizosphere.
Nutrient Availability: Solubilizes Phosphorus and other micronutrients for plant use.
Pathogen Protection: Shields plants from specific pathogens and phytonematodes.
Improved Growth and Yield: Contributes to overall plant health and productivity.
Best Quality Yield and Growth: The powder formulation improves overall crop quality and provides better yields.
Dosage and Application:
Suitable For:
It is suitable for vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and ornamental crops.
Safety Precautions:
Wear hand gloves, face masks, and eyeglasses.
Avoid food and drinks while applying the powder in the field.
Wash your hands and clothes to prevent skin irritation.
Keep it out of the reach of children.
Pickup Address: Nashik, MAHARASHTRA, 422003
Darpan sankul - B , Jadhav colony, oppt dream castle majhamal Gatt No 176/1, Talegaon(Dindori), Tal, Dindori Nashik, Maharashtra 422003
Address of origin: Darpan sankul - B , Jadhav colony, oppt dream castle majhamal Gatt No 176/1, Talegaon(Dindori), Tal, Dindori Nashik, Maharashtra 422003