CONTENT: Bascillus Subtilis Spp - Control Over Downey Mildew, Powdery Mildew, and Anti- Bacterial diseases like leaf blight, etc.
CFU/ml ( Minimum) - 2*10^8/ml
It is an eco-friendly biological fungicide based on Bacillus subtilis and is highly effective in Downey Mildew. It inhibits the germination of plant-pathogen and interacts with the attachment of pathogens to plants and controls the spared of disease.
1. Natural, Eco-friendly, residue-free, natural bio-fungicide very effective in the control of Fungal and Bacterial Diseases.
2. Harmless and Eco-friendly low-cost agro-input.
3. Higher Shelf-life.
4. Higher and perfect bacterial count.
5. Allowed Organic Input by NOCA as Per NPOP standards of govt. of India.
DOSE: Soil Application: 2 litter per Acer, Foliar Spray: 2.5ml/ Litter.