Bomba - Imidacloprid 17.8% SL Insecticide, Effective Against Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, and Leaf Hoppers
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Company / Manufacture Noble Crop Science Agribegri Fulfilment Best Selling
Country of origin: India




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Bomba is a chloronicotinyl insecticide. It is essential for controlling insects like Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Leafhoppers, etc. It is considered a relatively polar material with good xymel mobility. 

Satisfied Customer Reviews

85 Satisfied Ratings
23rd November,2024

Trust on AgriBegri grow with every buy product work perfect each time, so I always come back here for my farming needs.

Chauhan Manoj
23rd November,2024

I used Bomba - Imidacloprid 17.8% SL, and it work great for pest control on my farm. The crops look healthy and growing better. Application was little tricky at start, but overall it's worth using for better yields.

Jitendra Reddy
22nd November,2024

The Imidacloprid 17.8% SL solve my pest issue very fast. My crops was damage by aphids, but this material work excellent and protect them very good.

Prakash Saini
21st November,2024

I was surprised how Imidacloprid 17.8% SL work. It give amazing result for my crops. Didn't expect this good output. Pests almost gone, and yield is more than last time.

Dewan Harish
21st November,2024

This product is very good for rice crops. I see less pest attack and plants look green and strong after using it. Definitely suitable for paddy fields.

Kumaravelan Kunal
20th November,2024

AgriBegri has very good customer support. They answer my all questions and help with selecting right product for my crop needs.

Deepak Nayak
20th November,2024

மற்ற மூலப்பொருட்களுடன் ஒப்பிடும் போது, இது மிகவும் மிச்சமாகவும் பலநாள்கள் செயல்படக்கூடியதாகவும் உள்ளது. இதன் மூலமாக என்னுடைய விளைச்சல் இருமடங்காக உயர்ந்தது.

Prasad Kishore
19th November,2024

Using Bomba - Imidacloprid 17.8% SL purchased from AgriBegri has been great for my farm. The technical composition effectively target pests and improve crop yield. Precautions are necessary for right application, but the benefits it bring to farming are outstanding. Highly recommend it.

Saini Rajendra
18th November,2024

एग्रीबेगरी से ऑर्डर करना आसान है। डिलीवरी समय पर होती है, और प्रोडक्ट सुरक्षित पैकेजिंग में आता है। यह सेवा भरोसेमंद और संतोषजनक है।

Yadav Bikram
16th November,2024

After using Bomba - Imidacloprid 17.8% SL, I see my plants look much healthier. I recommend this to all farmer who need reliable crop solutions.

Tomar Mohan
15th November,2024

This completely remove whiteflies from my crops. I tried other products, but this one actually work without fail.

Gopal Subhani
13th November,2024

Product quality is excellent. It safe for plants, and I never see any side effect like with other chemical products. Very satisfied.

Thakur Vikash
13th November,2024

अन्य उत्पादों के मुकाबले यह अधिक किफायती और असरदार है। जहां अन्य कीटनाशक बार-बार उपयोग की मांग करते हैं, वहीं इसका प्रभाव लंबे समय तक बना रहता है।

Shukla Vijay
12th November,2024

इस प्रोडक्ट का उपयोग करने से फसल की गुणवत्ता में सुधार हुआ। जैव विविधता की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करते हुए, यह किसानों के लिए कीट नियंत्रण का एक विश्वसनीय समाधान है।

Patil Omprakash
11th November,2024

At first, I hesitated to buy this product, but after using it I was happy with results. It work very well and now I trust this brand.

Mehta Manoj
11th November,2024

जैव विविधता को संरक्षित रखते हुए, यह प्रोडक्ट कीटों के प्रभावी नियंत्रण में मदद करता है। फसल की गुणवत्ता और उत्पादन में सुधार स्पष्ट रूप से देखा गया।

Verma Anil
10th November,2024

This crop product help me solve pest problem in my farm.Before, insects damage my plants, but now they healthy and growing well.

Bisht Devender
8th November,2024

The product have special quality which give instant results. After use, I see my plants look more healthy in just few days. Its very effective for farm usage.

Laxman Yadav
8th November,2024

प्रोडक्ट का असर जल्दी दिखा, जिससे कीटों का प्रकोप कम हुआ। यह किफायती होने के साथ-साथ पर्यावरण के लिए सुरक्षित भी है। किसानों को इससे लाभ हुआ।

Patil Krishan
8th November,2024

बॉम्बा इमिडाक्लोप्रिड 17.8% एसएल की विशेषता यह है कि यह कीटों पर तेज़ी से काम करता है, लेकिन इसकी खुराक सही मात्रा में रखना जरूरी है। खुराक अधिक होने पर फसल पर हल्का दुष्प्रभाव हो सकता है।

Kishore Thakur
6th November,2024

The Imidacloprid 17.8% SL has worked excellent for my paddy fields. It reduce pests quickly and protect the crops from further damage. Mixing ratio needs to be followed properly, else it might harm leaves. Very effective solution overall.

Kishore Kumaravelan
6th November,2024

कीटनाशक का उपयोग फसल की सुरक्षा और उपज बढ़ाने में सहायक है। ग्राहक सहायता टीम ने उपयोग और खुराक से जुड़े सभी प्रश्नों का त्वरित उत्तर दिया।

Ramesh Sharma
4th November,2024

It's important to follow instructions and not use too much. Overusing product can make leaves look burn. Always spray evenly for best result.

Ramesh Rai
3rd November,2024

AgriBegri provide solution that improve crop health. My plants now waste less water and nutrients, which also save cost.

Shukla Vikash
31st October,2024

This agriculture store provide high-quality services.I can rely on them for my farming needs.

Nitin Yadav
31st October,2024

This crop solution really helped me improve my plants' health. The leaves are greener, and pest attacks are almost gone. Care is needed during spraying, but it's a great tool for maintaining better farm results. Definitely recommending this to others.

Karan Ghosh
23rd October,2024

I mix the product with water as per instructions. 20ml for 15 liter of water work perfect for my plants. Application was easy and save lot of time.

Pradeep Prasad
19th October,2024

The cost of this product is low compared to others in market. It help me save money while still giving good result for crops.

Shyam Tiwari
19th October,2024

This solution solve pest problem very quick. I use it in morning, and by evening most pests was gone. Very effective.

Rai Rakesh
17th October,2024

I trust Bomba because it always give good results.Every time I use it, my crops stay safe from pests.

Bhupender Yadav
17th October,2024

எனது நண்பர் ஒருவர் இந்த தயாரிப்பை பரிந்துரைத்தார். அவர்களது பரிந்துரையின் பேரில் நான் இதைப் பயன்படுத்தினேன், உண்மையில் இது மிகவும் நம்பகமானது மற்றும் தனித்தன்மையானது.

Pande Kishan
16th October,2024

I receive my order containing Imidacloprid on time, and it was in perfect condition.Very satisfied with the service.

Gajendra Jha
16th October,2024

किसानों के लिए यह प्रोडक्ट एक किफायती और प्रभावी समाधान है। एग्रीबेगरी की उत्कृष्ट सेवाएं और नि:शुल्क होम डिलीवरी इसे खरीदने का अच्छा अनुभव बनाती हैं।

Mahesh Sharma
14th October,2024

This product's unique features really suprise me. It help solve farming problems like pest attack very quick. My work is now more easy, and crops grow better without so much issue.

Rai Bikram
14th October,2024

यह प्रोडक्ट किफायती है, उच्च गुणवत्ता प्रदान करता है और कीट नियंत्रण में मदद करता है। सुरक्षित पैकेजिंग और समय पर डिलीवरी ने इसे किसानों के लिए भरोसेमंद विकल्प बनाया है।

Kunal Ghosh
13th October,2024

Compared to other marketplaces, this e-commerce store offer good value and affordable prices.I save money buying here.

Saini Sanjay
13th October,2024

इस कीटनाशक का उपयोग करके मेरी फसल पर जो निवेश हुआ, वह पूरी तरह से वापस मिला। कीटों का प्रकोप समाप्त होने से फसल की गुणवत्ता बेहतर हुई और बाज़ार में इसका अच्छा मूल्य मिला।

Anil Pillai
11th October,2024

I been using Bomba - Imidacloprid 17.8% SL for months now, and it last long time.My crops stay protected, and I don't need reapply often.

Yadav Mohan
10th October,2024

The Imidacloprid 17.8% SL is not just effective but also eco-friendly. It doesn't harm soil or nearby plants, which is good for long-term sustainability.

Rajesh Yadav
9th October,2024

बॉम्बा इमिडाक्लोप्रिड 17.8% एसएल कीटनाशक आसानी से उपलब्ध है और विभिन्न फसलों में कीट नियंत्रण के लिए प्रभावी है।

Thakur Nitin
3rd October,2024

This platform deliver products on time every time. I can depend on AgriBegri for quality service and timely response.

Raghavan Ravi
1st October,2024

இது என்னுடைய முதல் அனுபவமாக இருந்தது बॉम्बा इமிடாகுளோப்ரிட் 17.8% எஸ்.எல் பயன்படுத்துவது. இதன் உடனடி விளைவு மற்றும் பலன்கள் மிகவும் சிறப்பாக இருந்தன. நாங்கள் எதிர்பார்த்தது விட மேலான தரமான விளைச்சலை பெற்றோம்.

Anil Raj
27th September,2024

AgriBegri make farming work much simple. I just apply product as guide mention. Fast delivery also help me save time and focus on other tasks.

Laxman Rai
26th September,2024

Using this crop material for long time now, and it always deliver same good result. I don't need to look for new solutions every season.

Bisht Pradeep
26th September,2024

ఇది ఇతర పండుగకాల మందులతో పోలిస్తే చౌకగా ఉండటమే కాకుండా ఎక్కువ రోజులు ప్రభావం చూపుతోంది. దీనివల్ల మా పెట్టుబడికి సరైన ఫలితం వచ్చింది.

Yadav Keshav
25th September,2024

I ordered from AgriBegri, and my experience was smooth. The delivery was on time, and packaging kept the product safe. Service is reliable, though it could improve by adding more detailed guides for first-time users. Definitely will order again.

Saini Sandeep
21st September,2024

This product effectively control pests like aphids and whiteflies.My plants are now free from these insects.

Verma Deepak
21st September,2024

I had problem with whiteflies on my plants, but this product solve it fully. Shopping experience was also good, and delivery was on time.

Rajput Jitendra
21st September,2024

మా దగ్గరి రైతు స్నేహితుడు ఈ ఉత్పత్తిని నాకు సిఫారసు చేశాడు. అతని సలహా మేరకు ఇది ఉపయోగించాను, ఫలితాలు చూసి చాలా ఆనందించాను.

Dixit Kunal
19th September,2024

इस उत्पाद पर किए गए निवेश ने मुझे अच्छे लाभ दिए। कम लागत और उच्च उपज के कारण इसे उपयोग करना बहुत फायदेमंद साबित हुआ।

Omprakash Rai
18th September,2024

I had problem with pests for long time, but after using Bomba, the issue is resolved.My crops are now healthy and thriving.

Nair Deepak
17th September,2024

अनुशंसित खुराक प्रति लीटर पानी में 0.5 मिलीलीटर है। इसे उपयोग करना सरल है, और यह कीट नियंत्रण में अत्यधिक प्रभावी परिणाम देता है।

Mohan Verma
16th September,2024

The technical component in this product help improve crop health by boosting their resistance to insect. Now my crops is growing much better.

Mahesh Prasad
16th September,2024

मैंने इसे दूसरे कीटनाशकों की तुलना में बेहतर पाया। इसका असर लंबे समय तक रहता है और यह पानी में आसानी से घुल जाता है, जबकि अन्य उत्पाद इतनी प्रभावशीलता नहीं दिखा पाए।

Amit Kumaravelan
15th September,2024

The Imidacloprid 17.8% SL from AgriBegri delivered quick. I ordered same product from other store, but they delay and waste time. Here, it's always on time.

Rai Raghav
14th September,2024

Before using this product, my crops had disease issue, but after use, they recover. Now, they grow faster, and yield is better.

Jitendra Jain
13th September,2024

My rice yield increase after I start use this product. Quality of grain also better now, and farmer market buyer offer more price for it.

Gajendra Reddy
13th September,2024

బాంబా ఇమిడాక్లోప్రిడ్ 17.8% ఎస్‌ఎల్‌ని మొదటిసారి ఉపయోగించాను. దీని ప్రథమ ప్రయోగంలోనే నన్ను ఆకట్టుకున్నది. పంటలలో ఉండే చీడలు తగ్గాయి, పంట ఉత్పత్తి మెరుగ్గా వచ్చింది.

Manoj Bharti
11th September,2024

As new customer, I order product with Imidacloprid 17.8% SL from this online platform.Delivery was fast, and service was excellent.

Pande Rajendra
11th September,2024

This product save me lot of money. Pests reduce, yield go up, and no extra spend needed. Really good ROI for small farmer like me.

Sandeep Soni
9th September,2024

The quality of this material is very good.My crops look healthier, and yield has improved since I start using it.

Subhani Laxman
9th September,2024

I didn't expect this material will also improve leaf color in my plants. They look more green and healthy, which is extra bonus for me.

Tomar Ramesh
9th September,2024

एग्रीबेगरी की समयबद्ध डिलीवरी और सुरक्षित पैकेजिंग ने प्रोडक्ट की खरीदारी को सरल और सुविधाजनक बनाया। ग्राहक सेवा टीम ने त्वरित और सहायक समाधान प्रदान किया।

Gajendra Tiwari
6th September,2024

Precautions like wearing gloves while using this product help avoid any skin issue. Don't apply in very windy condition, it waste the solution.

Bansal Surender
4th September,2024

पहली बार उपयोग करने पर मुझे यह अनुभव हुआ कि फसल की सुरक्षा के लिए यह कीटनाशक एक संपूर्ण समाधान है। मैंने इसे सरलता से लागू किया और नतीजे शानदार रहे।

Mahesh Shukla
3rd September,2024

I tell other farmer to trust AgriBegri for their farming needs. Good products, fast delivery, and helpful team make it best choice.

Shukla Raghav
3rd September,2024

मैंने इसे अपने अन्य साथी किसानों को सिफारिश की है। उनकी फसलों पर इसका असर देखना बहुत अच्छा रहा और उन्होंने भी इसे उपयोगी पाया।

Laxman Verma
2nd September,2024

मेरे एक साथी किसान ने एग्रीबेगरी से इस उत्पाद को खरीदने और उपयोग करने की सिफारिश की थी। उन्होंने इसे बहुत प्रभावी बताया, और मैंने इसे आजमाया। वाकई यह उनके बताए अनुसार एक शानदार विकल्प है।

Anil Prasad
1st September,2024

I am happy with this buy and plan to order more from AgriBegri in future. Their service is good and easy to trust.

Vikash Soni
31st August,2024

सफेद मक्खी, एफिड्स और जैसिड्स जैसे कीटों के नियंत्रण में यह प्रोडक्ट प्रभावी है। पर्यावरण के अनुकूल होने के साथ-साथ यह फसल की उपज और गुणवत्ता को बढ़ाता है।

Bansal Laxman
13th June,2024

Good prodct for pests I will buy agin from AgriBegri for sure

Aditya Kundra
11th June,2024

I think I used too much, but it still did its job AgriBegri has quality stuff

Rishi Mehta
9th June,2024

I uset this insecticide on my crops and it works great Thumbs up for AgriBegri

Ishaan Rao
6th June,2024

I had some doubts, but this worked wonders Very happy with my purchase from AgriBegri

Aryan Singh
2nd June,2024

My crops have shown big improvment since using this Really happy with the results

Kabir Kapoor
27th May,2024

Easy to use and effective, Bomba is now a staple on my farm

Mira Thakkar
24th May,2024

This insecticide helped me get rid of aphids fast Thanks AgriBegri for the quick delivery

Sneha Patel
22nd May,2024

Bomba is realy effective My plants look healthier after using this product

Ananya Mehra
21st May,2024

Good price for such a good product I will recommend to my fellow farmers

Dia Chatterjee
16th May,2024

Bomba is a must-have for anyone serious about farming Thanks, AgriBegri

Maya Sharma
17th September,2021

I have 4 acre of cabbage plants , used for thripes control is seen , thripes is less , hoping that it would never come

16th September,2021

Maine Kapas mai use kiya, bhot achse se is dava ne kam kiya hai.

Rahul Yadav
16th September,2021

Excellent product

16th September,2021

It controls insect good product

Faruk Siddique
16th September,2021

I use this insecticide is our cotton crop.i have a good result in aphid, jassid and leaf hopper.thank you agribegri for this amezing product.
