Potato - Protection - Potato tuber moth

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    Chlorpyriphos 20% EC of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Carbine 20 - Chlorpyriphos 20% EC Insecticide, For Controlling Termite, Aphids, Bollworms, Whitefly & Cut Worm, Hispa, Leaf Roller, Stem Borer

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    Dimethoate 30% EC of Shivalik Crop Sciences of Shivalik Crop Sciences

    Shivalik Dimex Dimethoate 30% EC, Broad Spectrum Insecticide and Acaricide With Contact and Stomach Action

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    Leucinodes Orbonalis Trap & Lure of Turning point natural of Turning point natural

    Pheromone Water Trap with Leucinodes Orbonalis Lure to Catch Brinjal Fruit Shoot Borer Insect, Moth. Useful in Brinjal and Egg Plant

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