Maltose Zinctose is a fully formulated flowable Zn SC 39.5% liquid micronutrient fertilizer containing a high concentration of zinc for foliar application which can penetrate with good mobility within the plant to prevent and treat zinc deficiency on a wide range of crops.
Maltose Zinctose-Zn 39.5% plays an important role in plants by activating certain enzymes that are responsible for the synthesis of certain proteins , formation of chlorophyll and carbohydrates, conversion of starches to sugars and its presence in plants tissue helps the plants to withstands cold temperature.
Maltose Zinctose (Zn) is essentia l in the formation of auxins , which helps in growth regulation and stem elongation.
Maltose Zintcose formulation ensures rapid and uniform spread of the product and enhances zinc absorption
Dosage and Application: 1 ml/ltr water or 200ml/acre
Recommended Crops:
MALTOSE Zinctose – is suitable for Fruit crops, Vegetable crops, Flower crops, plantation crops, Spices and condiments crops, Medicinal crops, Aromatic crops and gardening plants
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