Technical Name: Acephate 95% SG
Mode of Action:-
- Acephate is a systemic insecticide used to control sucking and biting insects by direct contact or ingestion.
- Organophosphates such as acephate bind to and inhibit the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in nervous system tissues. As a result, the neurotransmitter acetylcholine accumulates and repeatedly activates cholinergic receptors. Acephate itself is a weak acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Methamidophos is a more potent organophosphate than acephate. Insects metabolize acephate into methamidophos by hydrolysis, whereas mammals metabolize acephate more readily into des- O-methylacephate, accounting for acephate's relatively high selectivity against insects.
- Methamidophos inhibits acetylcholinesterase through phosphorylation. Acetylcholine is the prominent insect stimulatory neurotransmitter for motor, sensory, and intermediate neurons, and is broken down by acetylcholinesterase. Organophosphates cause acetylcholine levels to increase and over-excite target nerves, muscles, or tissues.
Target Pest - Stem borer, leaf folder & Brown Plant Hopper ( BPH )
Crop - Paddy - good synergistic effect with Applaud 25% SC against rice BPH
Dose - 1.0 - 1.5 Gm / Liter of water.
Pickup Address: Bareta, PUNJAB, 151501
3rd Floor, Vios Tower, New Cuffe Parade, Off Eastern Freeway, Wadala, Mumbai 400037
Address of origin: 3rd Floor, Vios Tower, New Cuffe Parade, Off Eastern Freeway, Wadala, Mumbai 400037