Seaweed Extract A Natural Organic Fertilizer, Natural Highly Specialized Bio Stimulant.
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74 ratings
Company / Manufacture Noble Crop Science Agribegri Fulfilment
Country of origin: India




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  • 100 KG
    25 Kg X 4 Qty
    Transport Extra 30362
  • 250 KG
    25 Kg X 10 Qty
    Transport Extra 73256
  • 500 KG
    25 Kg x 20 Qty
    Transport Extra 143182
  • 1000 KG
    25 Kg x 40 Qty
    Transport Extra 280000
  • 2000 KG
    25 Kg x 80 Qty
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Seaweed extract is an organic fertilizer, the best option for farmers to grow quality crops and vegetables using an organic method. This natural fertilizer enhances soil quality and boosts crop health, eventually resulting in the best crop yield. 

Satisfied Customer Reviews

74 Satisfied Ratings
26th November,2024

The price is so low but the effectivenes is very high. I saved lot of money and still got good quality product. Its a big help for farmers.

Karan Yadav
26th November,2024

The technical content helped me big time. My farm was having pest problm but now its solved. This product really does what it promise.

Patel Mohan
21st November,2024

The technical name is eco-friendly and safe for my plants. It not only helps the crops but is also good for soil health. I realy care about sustainability.

Sanjay Dewan
18th November,2024

It helps to control insects and diseases in my crops. Very effective and easy to use.

Bikram Nair
13th November,2024

यह प्रोडक्ट बहुत ही किफायती है। इसकी कीमत इतनी कम है कि हर किसान इसे खरीद सकता है। कम दाम में इतनी अच्छी गुणवत्ता मिलना बहुत बड़ी बात है।

Rai Sanjay
13th November,2024

मैंने पहली बार सीवीड का उपयोग किया और यह मेरे लिए एक नया अनुभव था। इसका असर मेरे प्लांट्स पर तुरंत दिखा, पत्तियां और ज्यादा हरी हो गईं और उनकी वृद्धि में सुधार हुआ।

Pradeep Kochhar
13th November,2024

இந்த சீவீட் எக்ஸ்ட்ராக்ட் என் பயிர்களுக்கு அதிக வளம் வழங்கியது. பசுமை அதிகமாகும், மற்றும் பயிர்களின் வளர்ச்சி மிகவும் வேகமாக இருந்தது. நான் மிகவும் மகிழ்ச்சியாக உள்ளேன்.

Mishra Bikram
11th November,2024

I nevr expected this product to work so good. It realy surpased my expections and gave amazing results on my farm. Crops are healthier and growing bettr than ever.

Mohan Tomar
10th November,2024

Another great suprise was the increase in leaf color and fruit size. This product is not just good for pest control but also improves over-all crop health.

Ramesh Prasad
9th November,2024

This crop product is a long term solution for pest control. I have been using it for a year now, and the results have been amazing every season. Highly impressed.

Surender Raghav
9th November,2024

प्रोडक्ट एक पर्यावरण-अनुकूल प्रोडक्ट है। इसमें प्राकृतिक रूप से पाए जाने वाले पोषक तत्व होते हैं जो मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता को बेहतर बनाते हैं और पर्यावरण पर कोई नकारात्मक प्रभाव नहीं डालते।

Sanjay Rai
7th November,2024

Be carful while applying. Use safety gears and follow instrctions properly. This ensures you get best effect and avoid problms like wrong dosage.

Suresh Patil
6th November,2024

अग्रिबेगरी की फ्री होम डिलीवरी सेवा ने मेरी खरीदारी को और भी आसान बना दिया। प्रोडक्ट समय पर और सुरक्षित तरीके से पहुंचा।

Ghosh Harish
6th November,2024

अग्रिबेगरी से खरीदे गए इस प्रोडक्ट ने मेरी फसलों की उपज में बढ़ोतरी की है। अच्छी गुणवत्ता और उच्च उपज के कारण मेरी आय में भी सुधार हुआ है।

Gupta Kunal
6th November,2024

सीवीड पर किया गया निवेश पूरी तरह से वसूल हो गया। फसलों की उपज में इतना सुधार देखकर मुझे लगा कि यह प्रोडक्ट अपनी कीमत से ज्यादा मूल्यवान है।

Ajay Reddy
5th November,2024

This store offers good value for money. Their products are affordable and work well.

Mehta Omprakash
5th November,2024

I used this product with the tecnical name from AgriBegri, and my crops saw huge improvemnt. It was bit tricky to apply correctly, but the results made up for it. I am happy with their product and recommend it to others.

Bisht Rakesh
4th November,2024

This product is reliable and always gives good results. I trust it for my farming needs.

Vijay Raj
3rd November,2024

अग्रिबेगरी से प्रोडक्ट मंगाने का अनुभव शानदार रहा। प्रोडक्ट की पैकेजिंग सुरक्षित थी और डिलीवरी बहुत जल्दी और समय पर हुई।

Jain Mohan
2nd November,2024

సీవీడ్ ఎక్స్ట్రాక్ట్ ధర చాలా తక్కువగా ఉంది, కానీ ఫలితాలు చాలా మంచి ఉన్నాయి. ప్రతి రైతుకు ఇది ఉపయోగపడుతుంది.

Deepak Reddy
1st November,2024

मैंने अपने परिवार के अन्य किसानों को सीवीड का उपयोग करने की सिफारिश की है। यह एक पर्यावरण-अनुकूल और उपयोग में आसान प्रोडक्ट है जो हर फसल के लिए उपयुक्त है।

Sanjay Chauhan
30th October,2024

The technical name worked beyond my expections. I recomended this product to my neighbors too because of its high quality and cost effectivnes. AgriBegri is the best place to buy.

Rai Keshav
30th October,2024

अग्रिबेगरी की ग्राहक सेवा बहुत सहयोगी है। उन्होंने मेरे सभी सवालों का सही तरीके से जवाब दिया और मेरी मदद की। यह अनुभव बहुत अच्छा था।

Patil Narendra
29th October,2024

AgriBegri is a great platform for buying farming products. They deliverd my order quickly and in good condition. I wish they could provide more detailed usage instructions, but their service is still very relable.

Prasad Kishan
28th October,2024

The technical content in this material was just perfact. Compared to other e-commerce sites, AgriBegri's quick service is unbeatable. No more waiting for delivery.

Kumar Mahesh
28th October,2024

This platform helpd me improve my crop health by providing great product. My plants are growing healthy and the wastage has reduced a lot since I started using this.

Prasad Sanjay
27th October,2024

सीवीड का उपयोग करने से मेरे प्लांट्स की ग्रोथ काफी बेहतर हुई, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि इसकी पैकेजिंग और भी बेहतर हो सकती है। यह छोटे किसानों के लिए उपयोगी और सरल है।

Pillai Kunal
26th October,2024

The costumer support at AgriBegri is so good. They answerd my question fast and gave me proper guidence for the product use. Happy to use this service.

Laxman Subhani
26th October,2024

The quality of my tomato yield improvd so much after using this. The fruits are bigger and better, and I got good price in the market. Very satisified.

Nitin Pillai
24th October,2024

This product is highly effective. I recomended it to my farmer frends because my crops showed visibal improvement in a few days only. Its a must use for farmers.

Bharti Sunil
24th October,2024

అగ్రిబెగ్రి ద్వారా నేను ఆర్డర్ చేసిన సీవీడ్ ఎక్స్ట్రాక్ట్ ప్యాకేజింగ్ మరియు డెలివరీ సేవలు అద్భుతంగా ఉన్నాయి. నేను సంతృప్తితో ఉన్నాను.

Mohan Pillai
22nd October,2024

After using this material, I saw clear difference in my field. Before, plants looked week but now they are growing strong. It was a big improvment for my farm.

Gupta Mahesh
22nd October,2024

The servce from AgriBegri is very good. Delivery is always on time, and the products arrive in good condition. I am fully satisfied with their e-commerce platform.

Patel Rajesh
21st October,2024

मैंने अपने किसान मित्रों को सीवीड की सिफारिश की है। यह न केवल प्लांट्स को पोषण देता है बल्कि मिट्टी की गुणवत्ता भी सुधारता है। यह हर किसान के लिए एक बढ़िया विकल्प है।

Chauhan Karan
21st October,2024

सीवीड में निवेश करना मेरे लिए फायदे का सौदा रहा। यह प्रोडक्ट मेरी उम्मीदों पर खरा उतरा और मैंने अपनी उपज और आय में काफी वृद्धि देखी।

Rai Karan
20th October,2024

The unique featchers of this product are amazng. My farm got immedate benefit after applying it. The results was visibal in very short time.

Purohit Amit
17th October,2024

The quality of this material is very high. I feel safe using it for my plants because it gives great results without any harm to crops. I trust it.

Ravi Pillai
15th October,2024

Using this product has saved me lot of money. It increasd my crop profit, and I got a good ROI. I will definatly use it again for better farming.

Arvind Nair
13th October,2024

My farm had a issue with pests, but after this product, it completly gone. The shopping experence was smooth and deliver was on time.

Omprakash Thakur
12th October,2024

I had many farming problems, but this material solved them all. My crops are now healthy and growing well.

Rajan Vijay
11th October,2024

I used the product excatly how it was advised and it worked perfectly. The application method is so simple and give max effect when done right.

Shukla Ajay
9th October,2024

The quality of this crop product is very good. My plants look better and give more yield.

Vikash Gupta
9th October,2024

This is perfect for rice crop. I used it for my feild and saw big improvment in both growth and harvst quality. Very happy with its performance.

Patel Keshav
7th October,2024

अग्रिबेगरी से खरीदे गए सीवीड एक्सट्रैक्ट ने मेरे प्लांट्स की गुणवत्ता और उपज दोनों में सुधार किया। इस प्रोडक्ट का प्रदर्शन बहुत प्रभावी रहा। मैं इसे दूसरों को भी सुझाता हूं।

Rai Keshav
5th October,2024

As a new customer, I was happy with the fast delivery and good service. The technical content was exactly what I needed.

Yadav Devender
5th October,2024

This product solved a big problem in my farm. I'm very happy with the results.

Bisht Arvind
5th October,2024

The product totaly controlled pest issue in my field. I was strugling with them for long time but now its solved. This crop product is highly effective.

Kishore Bansal
4th October,2024

सीवीड एक्सट्रैक्ट में प्राकृतिक पोषक तत्व शामिल हैं जो प्लांट्स की वृद्धि को तेज करते हैं। इसका डोज 5 मिलीलीटर प्रति लीटर पानी के लिए है और यह सभी प्रकार की फसलों के लिए उपयुक्त है।

Chauhan Anil
3rd October,2024

प्रोडक्ट में प्राकृतिक पोषक तत्व और खनिज मौजूद होते हैं जो प्लांट्स को रोग और कीटों से बचाने में मदद करते हैं। इसका उपयोग फसलों की सुरक्षा के लिए बेहतरीन है।

Kishan Rathi
3rd October,2024

पहली बार सीवीड का इस्तेमाल करते हुए मुझे संदेह था, लेकिन इसका असर देखकर मेरी सारी शंकाएं दूर हो गईं। इसके उपयोग से मेरी फसलें ज्यादा स्वस्थ और टिकाऊ बनीं।

Babu Verma
30th September,2024

बाजार में उपलब्ध अन्य प्रोडक्ट्स के मुकाबले प्रोडक्ट का असर ज्यादा टिकाऊ और लंबे समय तक रहता है। यह प्रोडक्ट मेरे लिए सबसे भरोसेमंद साबित हुआ।

Amit Soni
27th September,2024

I used this product on my feild, and the results was amazing. Crops look healthy and strong now. The only issue was it took some time to show effects, but overall, I am satisfied and recomend it.

Saini Raghav
27th September,2024

அக்கிரிபெக்ரி வழியாக நான் வாங்கிய இந்த தயாரிப்பு நல்ல பாக்கேஜிங் மற்றும் நேரடி டெலிவரியுடன் கிடைத்தது. மிகவும் நன்றாக இருந்தது.

Ghosh Deepak
26th September,2024

AgriBegri service is top-notch. The technical content they provide is very helpful.

Laxman Pillai
25th September,2024

నేను ఈ సీవీడ్ ఎక్స్ట్రాక్ట్‌ను మొదటిసారిగా వాడితే, నా పంటలు ఆరోగ్యంగా మరియు త్వరగా ఎదుగుతున్నాయి. ఇది చాలా బాగా పనిచేస్తుంది.

Vikash Shukla
24th September,2024

Using this tecnical componant has greatly improve the crop health in my field. My plants are growing strng now and yielding good output.

Reddy Babu
23rd September,2024

Seaweed extract is very durable and works for long time. I use it in my farm, and it keeps working season after season.

Kunal Prasad
23rd September,2024

This material was so useful it make my work easyer. I used it on crops and the way it work exceeded my hope. Solved all farming challanges fastly.

Bikram Mandal
21st September,2024

Seaweed extract worked really good on my farm. It controlled pest issue and improved the growth of my plants. Application needs to be done care fully, but overall, it's a big help for farmers like me.

Anil Rathi
18th September,2024

I got my order on time, and the technical content was in perfect condition. Very satisfied with the service.

Naidu Gajendra
17th September,2024

I was not sure to buy this first time but now I am so glad I did. The results on my crops are great, it was worth trusting.

Raghavan Kishan
16th September,2024

AgriBegri's store is easy to use. I applied the product just like they said, and my farming tasks becamed so much simpler. Realy happy with this agriculture platform.

Verma Vijay
16th September,2024

சீவீட் எக்ஸ்ட்ராக்ட்டின் விலை மிகவும் குறைவாக உள்ளது, ஆனால் தரம் மிக அதிகமாக உள்ளது. இது மிகவும் நம்பகமான தயாரிப்பு.

Raghavan Harvinder
13th September,2024

I have bought this product many time from AgriBegri and I trust it completely. It always delivrs good results for my crops and the quality is consistant.

Bhupender Bansal
13th September,2024

प्रोडक्ट में निवेश करना मेरे लिए फायदे का सौदा रहा। यह प्रोडक्ट मेरी उम्मीदों पर खरा उतरा और मैंने अपनी उपज और आय में काफी वृद्धि देखी।

Prakash Verma
3rd September,2024

This product targeted all my farming problms. Whether it was pest or poor growth, it worked well for everything. Very useful for farmers like me.

Raghav Suresh
3rd September,2024

I am happy with Seaweed extract and will buy it agan from AgriBegri. Their store is relable and easy to order from. I trust this place for farming products.

Kunal Yadav
2nd September,2024

The tecnical name is very effective for controlling pests in my farm. I had to be very carefull with dosage to get right results, but once done proper, it worked like magic. Worth trying for crops.

Ramesh Soni
2nd September,2024

अन्य प्रोडक्ट्स की तुलना में प्रोडक्ट ज्यादा प्रभावी और जल्दी असर दिखाने वाला है। इसके इस्तेमाल से मेरी फसलें ज्यादा स्वस्थ और टिकाऊ बनी हैं।

Omprakash Thakur
1st September,2024

For other farmers, be sure to follow the proper steps. Do not overuse it or you wont get best result. Its best to apply in cool weather.

Jitendra Agarwal
18th March,2024

Good result good service

Malay Kumar Sahu    Verified Buyers
31st May,2022

One among the best crop advisory applications I found in playstore. Helps Farmers and farm science students to learn and provides solutions for all the problems. Anil parmar

Chetan Gohel
27th January,2022

Get very afftective result from this seaweed fertilizer

Basant patil
27th January,2022

Very good quality seaweed I have shop and my customers are happy with the product

Arman gaikwad