ROM – Bioblight is a bioproduct formulation containing a mixture of bacterial antagonists for controlling foliar and soil-borne bacterial diseases.
ROM bio blight is a bioproduct that comprises bacterial antagonists.
It is used to control soil-borne bacterial diseases.
It is also used to increase crop health and immunity.
It reduces crop loss and increases yield.
ROM Bioblight should be used at 250 to 500 ml / two to five kg per acre.
ROM Bio Blight is ideal for crops like paddy, cotton, sugarcane, vegetables, and pomegranate.
It should be dissolved in 250 to 400 liters of water and sprayed thoroughly, drenching the crops' canopy or root zone.
Spraying must be carried out during the cooler period of the day, preferably during late evening hours.
Based on the severity of the disease, spraying of ROM—Bioblight should be repeated at a 10 to 15-day interval.
Control of foliar and soil borne bacterial diseases.