RK Seeds - Acacia Nilotica 100 g + Bamboo Seeds 50 g + Dendrocalamus Strictus 50 g + Tecoma Stans 100 g + Gliricidia Sepium 100 g (Pack of 5)
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Company / Manufacture RK Nursery and Seeds
Country of origin: India




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RK Seeds- Live Fencing Seeds: - Acacia nilotica Pack of 100 g + Bamboo seeds –( Bambusa arundinacea Package of 50 g + Dendrocalamus strictus Pack of 5o g) + Tecoma stans Pack of 100 gm + Gliricidia sepium Pack of 100 gm - (Pack of 5)

1. Living Fence is a fence made of living trees such as Acacia nilotica ,Bamboo, Tecoma stans, and Gliricidia sepium

2. Live fence made from thorny or non-thorny  tree plants

3. The primary purpose of live fences is to control the movement of animals

4. Besides their main function living fences can provide fuelwood, fodder, and food, act as windbreaks or enrich the soil, depending on the species used.

5. Live fencing is established all around the farm, but it is most common to establish such a fence around the homestead.