Monophos is a highly effective insecticide used to control a wide range of pests in crops such as cotton, rice, fruits, and vegetables.
It contains 36% active ingredient Monocrotophos, which belongs to the organophosphate class of insecticides.
Monocrotophos 36% Sl
Effective against pests.
Long-lasting control.
Works quickly and effectively.
Easy to use and apply.
As it is long-lasting, it is cost-effective.
Maintains overall health of crops.
Improves crop and soil health.
Increase crop yield and crop production.
Monophos works by disrupting the nervous system of insects, leading to paralysis and death.
30-35 Ml In 15 Ltr Water
Monophos is suitable for grapes, rice, and chilies.
It is effective against a variety of pests, including aphids, thrips, whiteflies, and leafhoppers.
It is important to follow all safety precautions when handling and applying this product, as it can be toxic to humans and animals if not used correctly.
Always read and follow the product label instructions carefully before use.
Additionally, it is recommended that you avoid using this product near water bodies or on blooming crops as it can harm non-target organisms such as fish and bees.