Technical Content: Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC
Katyayani Docter 505 is a chemical insecticide containing Chlorpyriphos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% in Emulsifiable Concentrate formulation. It effectively controls a wide range of insect pests through Contact and stomach action by disrupting the nerve cells in insects. This insecticide is suitable for agricultural pests such as sucking pests, borers and moths etc in the crops like Cotton, Paddy, and Brinjal crops.
Target Pests:
Aphids, Thrips, Jassids, Whitefly and Spotter bollworm, Pink bollworm, American Bollworm, Stem borer, Leaf Folder, Fruit and Shoot borer, And Diamondback Moth.
Target Crops:
Paddy, Brinjal, Cabbage and many other Horticultural crops.
Mode of Action:
- Chlorpyriphos 5:0%: Primarily acts through Contact and Stomach action, inhibits the enzymes in the nervous system, leads to overstimulation and makes insect paralysis and leads to death.
- Cypermethrin 5%: Primary acts through Contact action, Disrupts the normal function of nerves. Leads to Hyperexcitation and causes insect paralysis and death.
- Aphids, Thrips, Jassids, Whitefly
- Bollworms (Spotted, Pink, American)
- Stem borer, Leaf folder, Fruit and Shoot borer, Diamondback moth
- Cotton: 350-450 ml/acre (Aphids, Jassids, Thrips, Whitefly, Bollworms)
- Paddy: 250-300 ml/acre (Stem borer, Leaf folder)
- Brinjal: 400-450 ml/acre (Fruit and shoot borer)
- Cabbage: 250-300 ml/acre (Diamondback moth)
This Product is Restricted in Kerala State.
Pickup Address: Bhopal, MADHYA PRADESH, 462016
E-7 MIG 539 Arera Colony, Bopal, Madhya Pradesh 462016
Address of origin: E-7 MIG 539 Arera Colony, Bopal, Madhya Pradesh 462016