The Sponge gourd is a cylindrical fruit that grows on a climbing, herbaceous vine. The interior flesh of the Sponge gourd is smooth and creamy-white. Sponge gourd has a mild, zucchini-like sweet taste and a silky texture. Sponge gourd can be grown in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It grows well under warm and humid conditions. It is very sensitive to frost and low temperatures.
Sowing time (North):
Mid Feb - Mar
Mid May – Jul
Sponge Gourd Raiyna Light Green Color
Variety details:
1. Strong and vigorous growing vines
2. Light green in color
3. First pickings in 40 to 45 days
4. The average crop period is around 140 to 150 days
5. Average fruit length: 20 to 25cms
6. Seed Rate: 1-2.5 Kg per acre