Cucumber is a warm season, vining, annual plant in the family Cucurbitaceae grown for its edible cucumber fruit. The cucumber plant is a sprawling vine with large leaves and curling tendrils. The plant may have 4 or 5 main stems from which the tendrils branch. The leaves of the plant are arranged alternately on the vines, have 3–7 pointed lobes, and are hairy. The cucumber plant produces yellow flowers that are 4 cm (1.6 in) in diameter. The cucumber fruit varies in shape but is generally a curved cylinder rounded at both ends. The optimum temperature range for cucumber production is between 16 and 32°C. The seed of cucumber germinates well at 25°C.
Variety details:
- Vigorous growing with side branches providing high yield
- Fruit is a uniform deep green color with a thick small seed cavity
- Diameter – 4.5 to 5.0cms
- Average weight – around 300gms
- Seed rate: 305-405 Gms per acre
Sowing time (North):
- Feb – Mar
- Sep – Jan (Polyhouse)
Sowing time (South):
Pickup Address: NEW DELHI, DELHI, 110042
Address of origin:
Cucumber is a warm season, vining, annual plant in the family Cucurbitaceae grown for its edible cucumber fruit. The cucumber plant is a sprawling vine with large leaves and curling tendrils. The plant may have 4 or 5 main stems from which the tendrils branch. The leaves of the plant are arranged alternately on the vines, have 3–7 pointed lobes, and are hairy. The cucumber plant produces yellow flowers that are 4 cm (1.6 in) in diameter. The cucumber fruit varies in shape but is generally a curved cylinder rounded at both ends. The optimum temperature range for cucumber production is between 16 and 32°C. The seed of cucumber germinates well at 25°C.