HUMESOL is a concentrated aqueous mixture of humic substances that is suitable for soil (broadcast, band, and drip) and foliar application in food, fruit, vegetable plantations, cash & ornamental crops, and turf.
It is formulated from the Leonardite mine found in North Dakota which is one the richest naturally available sources of humic substances.
Technical Name:
Features and Benefits:
Superior nutrient solubility properties compared to Humic extract liquids lead to improved nutrient uptake with natural acidic pH.
Blends easily and can be tank-mixed with pesticides, resulting in a reduction in application cost.
It provides a full complex of humic substances to plants and soil, resulting in better crops and soil.
Improved plant metabolism leads to healthier plants due to high activity in the plant and soil system.
Increases water uptake in the soil.
Improves the physical and biological properties of the soil.
Increases crop production and crop yield.
How to Use:
HUMESOL provides the user's flexibility of application and can be applied via:
Soil Application (band, broadcast & drip), and Foliar Spray.
How it Works:
HUMESOL has multiple actions on both plants and soil.
While fulvic acid improves the plant metabolism and its stress-resisting capabilities by entering inside the plant system, the other components of HUMESOL, humic acid & humins, improve nutrient bio-availability in the plant root zone and help in soil conditioning.
Pickup Address: sardulgarh, PUNJAB, 151507
5th floor,Vipul Square,B Block,Sushant Lok, Phase - 1,Gurgaon, Haryana 122009
Address of origin: 5th floor,Vipul Square,B Block,Sushant Lok, Phase - 1,Gurgaon, Haryana 122009
HUMESOL is a concentrated aqueous mixture of humic substances that is suitable for soil (broadcast, band, and drip) and foliar application in food, fruit, vegetable plantations, cash & ornamental crops, and turf.