Sumitomo Excel Mera 71 is a systemic herbicide that contains Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71 SG. It is recommended to control or kill weeds like Acalypha indica, Ageratum conyzoides, Cychorium intybus, etc.
Technical Name:
Features and Benefits:
It offers quick results with a higher absorption advantage.
It is a cost-effective and easy-to-use herbicide.
It is broadly used to control weeds and unwanted grass in agriculture.
It offers better rain fastness.
It controls broadleaf and annoying weeds in farming areas.
6-7 gm per liter of water
Use 100 gm per 15 lit water.
1 kg per acre in 150-160 litre of water per acre.
Suitable For:
It is an effective systemic herbicide suitable for Tea, Coffee, Coconut, Mango, Rubber, and Grapes.
Targeted Weeds:
Acalypha indica, Ageratum conyzoides, Cychorium intybus, Digera arvensis, Cynondon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eragrostis spp.,Ipomea digitata, Paspalum conjugatum, Sida acuta
Pickup Address: Ashti, Wardha, MAHARASHTRA, 442202
Bldg No.1,GF,Shant Manor Co-op Housing Society Ltd, Chakravarti Ashok ‘X’ Road,Kandivli (E), Mumbai, 400101
Address of origin: Bldg No.1,GF,Shant Manor Co-op Housing Society Ltd, Chakravarti Ashok ‘X’ Road,Kandivli (E), Mumbai, 400101
Sumitomo Excel Mera 71 is a systemic herbicide that contains Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71 SG. It is recommended to control or kill weeds like Acalypha indica, Ageratum conyzoides, Cychorium intybus, etc.