• AMRUTH PMC is an exclusively formulated liquid bio-fertilizer consisting of nutrients, proteins, plant growth, and development.
• Paddy requires more Nitrogen Phosphorous & Potassium, supplied to the plant so that the formulation is supplemented with additional microaerophilic bacteria such as Azospirillium sp which fixes atmospheric Nitrogen in
waterlogged conditions.
• AMRUTH PMC increases plant growth and development because of better soil health and increases more filled spikelet and crop yield.
• Due to all the above-mentioned beneficial factors the crop yield will increase by 10-20%.
Method of Application
• Root treatment:- Mix 500 ml AMRUTH PMC in 1 liter of water, Dip the seedlings in this solution for 20-30 minutes before planting.
• Soil treatment:- Mix 5 liters AMRUTH PMC with 300-400 kg of AMRUTH GOLD / FYM and apply before planting.
Pickup Address: Holalkere, KARNATAKA, 577531
Amruth organic fertilizers, Malladihalli Post, Holalkere Taluk, Chitradurga District, Karnataka 577531
Address of origin: Amruth organic fertilizers, Malladihalli Post, Holalkere Taluk, Chitradurga District, Karnataka 577531
• AMRUTH PMC is an exclusively formulated liquid bio-fertilizer consisting of nutrients, proteins, plant growth, and development.