Uttam Imexo Plus Thiamethoxam 30% FS, Systemic Insecticide, Use For Seed Treatment and Sucking Pests
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Technical Name: Thiamethoxam 30% FS

Thiamethoxam 30% FS Is a Systemic Insecticide. It Protects Against Target Pests by Interfering with Receptors That Transmit the Message to Continue Feeding.


Recommended as A Seed Treatment to Control Jassids, Aphids, And Whitefly in Cotton, Shoot Fly On Sorghum and Maize, Termites in Wheat, Jassids in Okra, Thrips, Glh, And Whorl Maggot in Rice, Jassids and Thrips in Sunflower, Stem Fly in Soybean and Thrips in Chilli Crops.

Dosages :

For Seed Treatment: Cotton: 10 ml per kg seeds, Chili: 7 ml per kg seeds, Maize: 8 ml per kg seeds, Okra: 5.7 ml per kg seeds, Soybean: 10 ml per kg seeds, Wheat: 3.3 ml per Kg seeds.

For Spray: - 1 ml Per Liter or 200 ml Per Acre

Pickup Address: MOGA, PUNJAB, 142001
Corporate One, First Floor,5 Commercial Centre,Jasola, New Delhi 110025
Address of origin: Corporate One, First Floor,5 Commercial Centre,Jasola, New Delhi 110025