RK seeds Madras Thorn Tamarind Seeds - Pithecellobium dulce seeds
1. Manila tamarind (Pithecellobium dulce is a small to medium-sized semi-evergreen leguminous fast growing tree, MANILA TAMARIND is a MULTIPURPOSE TREE. Its pods are EDIBLE and contain a thick sweetish acidic pulp. They can be eaten raw or processed into a soft drink similar to lemonade. Oil can be extracted from the seeds and is used for cooking or for making soaps.
2. Manila tamarind oil meal, pods and leaves are useful LIVESTOCK FEEDS. The by-product of oil extraction is a protein-rich meal (30% protein) that can be fed to animals. Pods are also relished by all classes of livestock and MANILA TAMARIND LEAVES can withstand heavy browsing. It is COMMONLY BROWSED BY HORSES, CATTLE, GOATS AND SHEEP.
3. The tree is planted for shade, shelter, thorny hedges and as an ornamental tree, SOIL IMPROVER AND AFFORESTATION and LIVING FENCES- MANILA TAMARIND MAKES THORNY LIVING FENCE posts and hedges, Manila tamarind also provides DENSE SHADE
4. Germination percentage : 80 %.
5. PRETREATMENT OF SEEDS : Seeds are soaking in water for 24hours
6. NURSERY TECHNIQUE OF SEEDS: Pretreated seeds are sown in directly polybags.
7. Germination is noticed within 10 to 15 days. The growth of the seedlings is fast.