Takaf is an insecticide that contains Diafenthiuron 47% and Bifenthrin 9.4% SC, which is used to control various pests and insects on different types of crops. Its main goal is to keep the crops protected and safe.
Diafenthiuron 47% + Bifenthrin 9.4% SC
Effective against insects.
Produce healthy crops.
Protects against pest infection.
Easy to use and easy to apply.
It provides dual action, contact, and systemic action.
It stays for a longer period, hence, cost-effective.
It produces quality and disease-free crops.
It increases crop production and crop yield.
Chilli - 250ml/acre
Cotton - 250ml/acre
Adam Takaf is suitable for crops such as Cotton and Chilli.
Takaf can be used as a solution for the effective control of whiteflies.
Takaf inhibits mitochondrial ATP synthase, leading to paralysis of the pest simultaneously in the central and peripheral nervous system by interfering with sodium channel gating
Ok good product
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Nallani ankamaraoBasavaraj shavantagall Sirawar
Basavaraj shavantagall