The most beneficial solar dryer for all small-scale farmers to gain higher benefits from their produce. It is easy to install and can be operated by everyone.
Average Capacity: 20 kg
Features :
- Do It Yourself model (DIY): No expert required for installation
- Light Weight and Portable
- Foldable and Modular structure
- Protection from Dust, Dirt, Rainfall, Insects and Harmful UV radiation.
Specifications :
- Size: 4 x 8 sq ft
- Maximum Temperature: 60 +- 10 Degree Celsius
- Actual Size of solar dryer: Width: 46.5 inches Length: 102 inches
- Height: 30 ( Ground height ) + 16 inches ( Tunnel height )
- Solar Panel Capacity: 10 W 12 V
- Air Flow: Forced Convection using 12 V Fan, Number of Fan: 5
- Total Drying area: 20 sq. ft.
Applications: All types of fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, flowers, and non-veg
Pickup Address: Indore, MADHYA PRADESH, 452020
201, Bansi Plaza, 581, MG road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001
Address of origin: 201, Bansi Plaza, 581, MG road, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452001