This product is fresh produce and should be processed immediately after delivery. If the product cannot be processed immediately, it can be stored in the fridge for a maximum of two weeks.
Cultivation technology of Ganoderma lucidum
The cultivation technology of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum, commonly called as shriyap mushroom, has been standardized on locally available substrates. The steps of the technology are as follows.
Substrate preparation
(Mixture of wet sawdust and rice bran)
Fill one Kg wet substrate (65% moisture) to Polypropylene bags, and plug with non-absorbent cotton.
Sterilization of the substrate (121°C, 15 lb pressure for 60-90 minutes in autoclave)\
Cool the bags to room temperature
Spawning (Aseptically, 5% of wet substrate)
Spawn running in darkroom (28-30°C, 25-35 days)
Initial spawn running·
Open the bags and shift to the cropping room (28-35°C, 80-85% R.H, Light, cross ventilation)
Pinhead initiation (10-15 days after opening)
Fruit body expansion (kidney-shaped, reddish to brown in color, 15-20 days).
Harvesting (When the white color of the growing edge just disappears).
Mature mushrooms
Sold in various forms of dry mushroom, mushroom powder, and products.
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