Hytric is a contact and systemic insecticide that is highly effective for controlling pests like Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips, Leaf folder, Stem and fruit borers, etc., on Cotton, Rice, Brinjal, and Tomato.
Farmers should calculate the Lambda Cyhalothrin Dosage Per Litre based on crop and pest severity for best results.
One isomer of pyrethroids, lambda-cyhalothrin (LC), is widely used for killing pests in agriculture
Lambda-cyhalothrin is an enriched isomeric form of the two biologically active Dia stereoisomeric pairs of isomers of cyhalothrin. It is mainly used for plant protection purposes as a non-systemic broad-spectrum insecticide in a wide range of crops worldwide.
It controls a wide spectrum of lepidopteran and coleopteran insects. It is also recommended for control of bollworms, jassids, and thrips in cotton; rice-leaf rollers, stem borers, green leaf hopper, gall midge, hasp & thrips. It has a moderate effect on sucking pests
Effective against a broad range of insect pests, including aphids, whiteflies, and thrips. Provides long-lasting control of insects. This insecticide has a fast-acting formula that quickly kills insects after they come into contact with it.
Insecticides are substances used to mitigate insects of one or more species. They are used in the agricultural sector for controlling pests that infest cultivated crops but they have other uses as well, such as eliminating insects that spread diseases.
Cotton, Rice, Brinjal, Tomato, Chilli, Pigeon pea, Onion, Bhindi, Chickpea, Groundnut, Mango
Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips, Leaf folder, stem borer, Green leaf Hopper, Gall Midge, Hispa, Shoot & fruit borer, mite, pod borer, pod fly, Leaf miner, Hoppers
Pickup Address: SINNAR - NASHIK , MAHARASHTRA, 422113
Plot no. A-71/2/1, Malegaon MIDC, Sinnar, Tal.Sinnar,
Dist. Nashik- 422113 (Maharashtra)
Address of origin: Plot no. A-71/2/1, Malegaon MIDC, Sinnar, Tal.Sinnar,
Dist. Nashik- 422113 (Maharashtra)
Hytric is a contact and systemic insecticide that is highly effective for controlling pests like Bollworms, Jassids, Thrips, Leaf folder, Stem and fruit borers, etc., on Cotton, Rice, Brinjal, and Tomato.