Mono Ammonium Phosphate is a versatile and efficient fertilizer that plays a crucial role in modern agriculture, helping to ensure healthy plant growth and high yields. Buy NPK Fertilizer and improve the overall growth of the crops.
Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) is a widely used fertilizer with an NPK rating of 12-61-0, indicating that it contains 12% nitrogen (N), 61% phosphorus (P), and 0% potassium (K). Here's a breakdown of its characteristics and uses:
Chemical Composition:
Physical Properties:
Appears as white crystalline powder or granules.
Highly soluble in water, making it suitable for liquid applications.
Low hygroscopicity, reducing the risk of caking.
High Phosphorus Content:
Provides a readily available source of phosphorus, which is crucial for root development, flowering, and fruiting.
Phosphorus is vital for energy transfer within plants (ATP).
Nitrogen Source:
Supplies ammonium nitrogen, which is easily taken up by plants.
Helps in protein synthesis and overall growth.
Acidic Nature:
Commonly used in field crops, horticulture, and plantation crops.
Especially beneficial for crops like maize, wheat, and rice.
Foliar Application:
Application Guidelines:
Soil Application:
Foliar Spray:
Safety and Handling:
Store in a cool, dry place to prevent caking and moisture absorption.
Use protective gear when handling to avoid skin and eye irritation.
Follow recommended application rates to prevent over-fertilization and potential environmental impact.
Pickup Address: GANDHINAGAR, GUJARAT, 382729
Plot No. 11, Survey No. 226, Subhlaxmi Industrial Estate, Opp. Golden Industrial Estate, Chhatral – Kadi road, Vill. Dhanot, Ta. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382715
Address of origin: Plot No. 11, Survey No. 226, Subhlaxmi Industrial Estate, Opp. Golden Industrial Estate, Chhatral – Kadi road, Vill. Dhanot, Ta. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382715