Nutribloom is a plant simulator containing various micro and macronutrients and beneficial components that are used to increase crop productivity.
It is a good solution to keep your plant and leaves highly energetic, protect them from possible damage and attacks, and save soil from chemical toxicity.
Increases soil fertility
Boost plant immunity
Improves nutrient uptake
Maintain crop health
It acts as a yield enhancer and increases crop yield.
It improves the stress tolerance in crops, such as those in drought and other environmental conditions.
Maintain crop and soil health.
India’s first OMRI-certified humate, which is tested and accepted globally as the best input for better growth and extra yield.
Spray/Foliar Application: 2ML PER LTR WATER.
Drenching & Drip Application: 1-2 Litter PER ACRE, Suggested once in 15-21 days based on crop condition.
Suitable Crops:
Wear protective gear to avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Do not eat, drink, or smoke while applying the product.
Wash your hands properly after using the product.
Keep safe from children and pets.
For Agriculture use only. No harm to the environment. Shake the bottle before use.
Since the use of this product is beyond our control, we cannot assume or take any responsibility other than the uniform quality of the product.
Pickup Address: Surat, GUJARAT, 395007
204, Highfield Ascot, VIP Road, Vesu Surat, Surat, Gujarat 395007
Address of origin: 204, Highfield Ascot, VIP Road, Vesu Surat, Surat, Gujarat 395007