SUPER Te supplies balanced essential nutrients in the required quantity in chelated form.
SUPER Te’ increases productivity & quality.
SUPER Te’ helps the absorption of other nutrients.
SUPER Te’ releases bound nutrients & makes them available.
SUPER Te’ has a longer retention of nutrients in the plant, thereby reducing the frequency of spraying.
Zn - 5%, Mg - 2%, Mn - 0.5%, B - 0.25%, Protein Hydrolysate - 5% , S - 2%
Super Te is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides, and foliar nutrients.
Mango, Grapes, Banana, Citrus
Potatoes, Onions, Turnips, Carrots, Tomato, Beans
Paddy, Maize, Wheat.
Ornamental & Aquatic plants.
Super Te is water soluble & suitable for use in conventional liquid foliar & irrigation water applications.
This product has excellent storable qualities. However, open containers should be stored in a dry location away from direct sunlight.
400-500 ml/Ha.
Since the use of this product is beyond our control, we cannot assume and any responsibility other than the uniform quality of the product.
It is a natural product that contains no preservatives; hence, its shelf life will diminish after it has been mixed with water.
Harmful if swallowed. Avoid breathing the spray mist. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, or clothing.
Keep out of reach of children.
Increase productivity & quality
D SubbaraoBhot acha result aya hai....
Raina MohitIt gives instant result really good product i am using this since very long
Rakesh patilGood Quality and productivity
Rahul Yadav