Jivanu PSB is a strong combination of highly effective bacteria which make available insoluble Phosphorus to soluble forms & enhance amount of soluble Phosphorus near crop roots.
CFU: 2*10^9
Mode of action :
Rock Phosphate & Tricalcium Phosphate are insoluble forms of Phosphate, plants are unable to uptake this kind of Phosphate form Jivanu PSB secretes specific organic acids & enzymes which convert insoluble forms of Phosphate to soluble forms (P)
Seed Treatment:- 5 gm / Kg Seed
Soil Application:- 500 gm / 200 kg Organic Manure
Drip Application:- 500 gm / 200 lit water for acre
Pickup Address: Kolhapur, MAHARASHTRA, 416218
H no 346,A/P Nandyal Tal - Kagal, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416218
Address of origin: H no 346,A/P Nandyal Tal - Kagal, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416218