JivanuKMB is a strong combination of highly effective bacteria that mobilize Potash from immobilized forms to increase the activity of soluble Potash near crop roots.
Features and Benefits:
It improves the texture and quality of the soil.
It provides nutrients to the crops, which increases crop yield.
As it is a natural fertilizer, it is environmentally friendly.
Increases nutrient and water uptake in the crops.
Enhances the quality of the crops.
It provides healthy growth and boosts the immunity of the crops.
Protects the crops against environmental stress.
Increases crop yield and crop production.
Mode of action :
Jivanu KMB produces various organic acids during their metabolism, which mobilize Potas from notable forms of Potassium like Mica, Biolite feldspar, illite, etc.
This mobilized Potash (K) is easily taken up by plant roots.
Application :
Seed Treatment:- 5gm/Kg Seed
Soil Application:- 500gm/200kg Organic Manure
Drip Application:- 500gm/200lit water for acre
Suitable Crops:
Wear protective clothes to avoid contact with skin and eyes.
Do not smoke, eat, or drink while applying the product.
Wash your hands properly after applying the product.
Keep it away from children and pets.
Pickup Address: Kolhapur, MAHARASHTRA, 416218
H no 346,A/P Nandyal Tal - Kagal, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416218
Address of origin: H no 346,A/P Nandyal Tal - Kagal, Kolhapur, Maharashtra 416218