100% Organic HUMATE, Contains Highest Humic & Fulvic Acid, From USA, Humic Acid 58%, Fulvic Acid 33%
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Company / Manufacture HUMATE INDIA
Country of origin: India




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Organic Elements Humate is 100% organic soil, and can be utilized as a soil conditioner and soil supplement under various conditions and climates. It is the purest form of natural organic matter and one of the most complex substances on earth known to man. Humate is the natural decomposition of all plants and animals, naturally and biologically processed for 65-100 million years. We mine these deposits and provide to all farmers, horticulturists, professional landscapers, vineyards, and home gardeners with an objective of an organic, sustainable approach to improving the soil. Humate is essential for life, the life of the soil, the life of plants, and the life of mankind, because only good soil can make good plants, good crops and good food, and a better healthy world. So here we bring actual Kala Sona for you

Satisfied Customer Reviews

4 Satisfied Ratings
5th December,2021

I added hunate for growing groundnut and also for mango tree, the results were excellent as the growth had doubled and the soil is more fertile, have ordered more humate for the upcoming year...I recommend you to order it.

27th August,2021

Excellent result this product use for yield increase a 30 40% and disease and pest infestation s low and crop give a high yield.

Lal singh
8th August,2021

Excellent results, as of now I have tried all the humic products, this is real organic humate as I am myself an agronomist I know difference between all the humate in the market. This is the only organic and real humate and gives the ultimate results. Potassium Humate are chemically processed and do not have much Important containt like Fulvic and lots of trace minerals. Also originally Humate are not 100% Soluble, only chemically processed Humate are Soluble and are imported from China. This product has high Humic and Fulvic. Plants are Blooming well and there is 60% more yield this year. That's the power of this Humate. Wow cheers to team Humate India. Most recommended product for all farmers.

27th March,2021

The product has exceptional results. Have been using it along with the organic Fertilizer that i usually use. For best results, wait atleast for a week! Actually this helps to decrese fertilizer cost. Amazing!

Parth Amin