Technical Content: Fluxametamide 10 EC
A Novel Insecticides for The Control of Lepidopteran, Thrips, Leaf Minor, and Other Sucking Pestes in Most of the Crops
It Is an Antagonist of Gaba (Gama Amino Butyric Acid) & Glu-Gated Chloride Chemicals (Gabacls)
It Has Highly Trans- Laminar Action is effective in High & Low Temperatures and Rain- Fastness
Crop: Brinjal, Chilli, Tomato, Cauliflower, Okra, Pulses
Dosage: 160 ML Per Acre
Pickup Address: sardulgarh, PUNJAB, 151507
401-402, Lusa Tower, Azadpur Commercial Complex, Delhi 110033.
Address of origin: 401-402, Lusa Tower, Azadpur Commercial Complex, Delhi 110033.