Green Diet delivers essential macro and micronutrients directly to plant roots and leaves, ensuring faster absorption and improved plant metabolism. It enhances chlorophyll production, strengthening the plant’s ability to photosynthesize efficiently, resulting in lush greenery and healthy growth.
Features and Benefits:
Balanced Macro & Micronutrients: Provides all essential nutrients for plant growth and metabolism.
100% Water-Soluble: Ensures quick absorption and immediate effects.
Enhances Plant Growth & Health: Promotes lush green foliage and vibrant plant health.
Foliar & Soil Application: Can be sprayed on leaves or drenched in soil.
Enriched with Seaweed Extract: Natural growth boosters improve plant resilience.
Suitable Crops:
Indoor Plants (Potted Plants, Houseplants)
Outdoor Plants (Garden & Lawn Plants)
Flowering & Foliage Plants
Herbs & Vegetables
For Foliar Spray: Dilute 5 ml in 1 liter of water and spray evenly on plant leaves.
For Soil Drenching: Dilute 5-10 ml in 1 liter of water and pour onto the soil until damp.
Repeat every 7-10 days for best results.
Pickup Address: Saket, DELHI, 110030
284, Sultan Sadan, L-3, West End Marg Saidulajaib, New Delhi-110030.
Address of origin: 284, Sultan Sadan, L-3, West End Marg Saidulajaib, New Delhi-110030.
Green Diet delivers essential macro and micronutrients directly to plant roots and leaves, ensuring faster absorption and improved plant metabolism. It enhances chlorophyll production, strengthening the plant’s ability to photosynthesize efficiently, resulting in lush greenery and healthy growth.