BLOOM: Introducing Bloom, the ultimate flowering stimulant for your plants! Our carefully formulated product is designed to provide your plants with all the essential nutrients and minerals they need to reach their full flowering potential.
Bloom is a Flowering Stimulant that provides nutrition and energy during flowering stages so that physiological functions are improved.
Features and Benefits:
It improves flower growth and leaf area.
Improves the immune system of plants, helps the plants to feed microbes, and maintains hormone balancing in plants.
Encourages flowering plants to produce blossoms and the reproductive process of the plants that help in pollen tube elongation and conversion of flowers to fruits.
Provides nutrition and energy for physiological development.
Stage-wise recommended application:
1st application via foliar spray Full Bloom Onthe set of anthesis (Flowers open)
2nd application via foliar spray Full Bloom 4 days after 1st application
3rd application via foliar sprayFull Bloom4 days after 2nd application
4th application via foliar spray Full Bloom 4 days after 3rd application
5th application via foliar spray Full Bloom After 4 days in horticulture
While applying the product, make sure to wear a mask.
Keep it away from children and pets.
Wash your hands properly after using the product.
Do not eat, smoke, or drink while applying the product.
Pickup Address: Secunderabad, TELANGANA, 500026
Plot#41, First Floor, Samrat Colony, West Marredpally, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana 500026
Address of origin: Plot#41, First Floor, Samrat Colony, West Marredpally, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana 500026
BLOOM: Introducing Bloom, the ultimate flowering stimulant for your plants! Our carefully formulated product is designed to provide your plants with all the essential nutrients and minerals they need to reach their full flowering potential.