Ecotika Blooming Rose Fertilizer Blend, 100% Organic Fertilizer, Vegan Fertilizer, Helps In Improving The Soil Structure,
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Company / Manufacture Ecotika
Country of origin: India




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Blooming rose is an organic and natural fertilizer blend (containing Alfalfa) suitable for Rose and Mogra use. Designed to provide NPK and contain secondary nutrients Ca-Mg-s in a ratio of 0.5-0.6-0.4, it promotes the earthworm population, thereby enriching the soil microenvironment. Since this is a slow to moderate-release fertilizer, the nutrients are released after some time, approx 10-15 days, but at a uniform rate and over a longer duration. Good to use when you wish to get value for money, as plants and soil get ample time to absorb nutrients. It tends to improve the soil structure, allowing it to absorb more water.