EBS Trichoderma Harzianum uses its unique formulation to provide dual benefits of fungicide and fertilizer. It eliminates the risk of crop loss by inducing crop growth, immunity, and health. Not only that, but it is also helpful in increasing the crop yield of Maize, Rice, Pulses, etc.
Active Ingredients:
Key Features and Benefits:
Stimulates Growth: It stimulates plant root development and improves nutrient uptake, increasing plant growth and productivity.
Control Diseases: Trichoderma Harzianum is a natural fungicide that inhibits the growth of harmful fungi and bacteria and protects plants from diseases like root rot, damping-off, and wilt.
Improves Soil Health: It decomposes organic matter, releasing nutrients and improving soil structure, making it more fertile and capable of retaining water.
Stress Tolerance: It helps plants withstand environmental stress, including salinity, and regulates temperature by enabling defense mechanisms and inducing stress-related compound production.
Sustainable and Eco-Friendly: It is a completely safe and sustainable option. The product is an ideal alternative to chemical fungicides to use on farms.
Seed Treatment: Mix 10 Grams of Formulation Mix in 50 ml of Water is Applied uniformly to 1 Kg of Seed. The Seeds are then shade-dried for 20 to 30 Minutes Before Sowing.
Nursery Bed Treatment: Mix 50 Grams of Formulation Mix in 10 Litres of Water and Drench a Nursery Bed of 1 Square Meter at The Time of Seeding.
Seedling Treatment: Dissolve 100 Grams of Formulation in 10 litres of Water and dip the Seedlings' roots for 30-45 minutes before Transplanting.
Soil Application: Mix 2.5 Kg with 50 kg Yard Manure and Broadcast in a One-Hectare Field Before Sowing.
Mode of Action:
Seed Treatment
Seedling Treatment
Soil Application
Suitable Crops:
EBS Trichoderma Harzianum bio fungicide is suitable for a broad range of crops, including Paddy, Maize, Rice, Pulses, Vegetable Crops, Oil Seeds, Cotton, Ginger, Turmeric, Cardamom, Tea, Coffee fruit crops, Etc.
Safety Precautions:
Use protective layers of clothes.
Do not eat, smoke, or drink while using the product.
Use a separate tool to make the formulation.
Wash your hands and clothes after the application.
Keep it out of the reach of kids and pets.
Pickup Address: Bhopal, MADHYA PRADESH, 462043
BM-6, Housing Board Colony, Bagh Mugaliya, Bhopal, Madhya pradesh 462043
Address of origin: BM-6, Housing Board Colony, Bagh Mugaliya, Bhopal, Madhya pradesh 462043
EBS Trichoderma Harzianum uses its unique formulation to provide dual benefits of fungicide and fertilizer. It eliminates the risk of crop loss by inducing crop growth, immunity, and health. Not only that, but it is also helpful in increasing the crop yield of Maize, Rice, Pulses, etc.