EBS Cargar contains Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC as an active agent. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide that works effectively on insects and pests like stem borer, leaf folder, caterpillar, stem flies, girdle beetles, bollworms, etc.
The chemical Chlorantraniliprole belongs to the Anthranilic diamide group known for its robust mode of action. It disrupts muscle function and eliminates the risk of crop loss.
Technical Name:
Features and Benefits:
It is a broad-spectrum insecticide.
A low-dose application provides beneficial results.
Recover crop damage and increase health.
It is durable and protects crops for a longer time.
It helps in gaining better quality yields and profit.
Suitable Crop:
EBS Cargar is helpful for crops such as rice, sugarcane, soybeans, chili, tomatoes, bitter gourd, and maize.
Targeted Insects/Pests:
Leaf folder, Diamondback moth, American bollworm, Spotted bollworm, Tobacco caterpillar, Termite, Fruit Borer, Green Semi looper, etc.
Safety Precaution:
Wear hand gloves, a face mask, and eyeglasses.
Avoid drinking, smoking, and chewing while applying the insecticide.
Wash your hands and clothes after the application.
Keep it away from pets and children.
Pickup Address: Bhopal, MADHYA PRADESH, 462043
BM-6, Housing Board Colony, Bagh Mugaliya, Bhopal, Madhya pradesh 462043
Address of origin: BM-6, Housing Board Colony, Bagh Mugaliya, Bhopal, Madhya pradesh 462043
EBS Cargar contains Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC as an active agent. It is a broad-spectrum insecticide that works effectively on insects and pests like stem borer, leaf folder, caterpillar, stem flies, girdle beetles, bollworms, etc.