PerfoNemat is a residue-free Nematode Cureative based on a Di-aldehyde mixture. It has a contract-based curative action on nematodes.
PerfoNemat has proven efficacy as a nematode curator for crops like fruits, vegetables, flowers, legumes, etc., both in greenhouse and open-field cultivations.
Helps to control nematode attacks on crops effectively
Safe for crops
Non-toxic & Residue-free product
Dialdehyde Mix 12.5 %
After drenching, the unique composition destroys the nematodes by rupturing the cell protein without damaging the plants.
Its action is contact-based.
Drench: PerfoNemat 2 ml / 1 lit.
Drench around the bottom of stems & roots. Repeat if required
Good result in nematode management.
Ajit sharma