Crystal Monceren Pencycuron 22.9% SC, Non-Systemic Contact Fungicide, Used As Foliar Spray
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Company / Manufacture Crystal Crop Protection Ltd.
Country of origin: India




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Units (7)
  • 500 ML 500 ML x 1 Qty 682
  • 1 Litre 500 ML x 2 Qty 1319
  • 1 Litre 1 Ltr x 1 Qty 1264
  • 2 Litre 500 ML x 4 Qty 2572
  • 2 Litre 1 Ltr x 2 Qty 2462
  • 5 Litre 500 ML x 10 Qty 6335
  • 5 Litre 1 Ltr x 5 Qty 6060

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  • Inclusive of all taxes
  • Please call us on 9016760339 for bulk quantity order

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Additional Information:-

  • Monceren is a non-systemic contact fungicide. It is used as a foliar spray for the control of sheath blight disease of rice and as potato tuber treatment for the control of black scurf disease.

  • Monceren provides long-lasting efficacy; specifically, against Rhizoctonia solani. As a seed treatment, the product exhibits excellent efficacy against potato black scurf. It inhibits mycelia growth and gives excellent control of sheath blight disease of rice.

    • Active ingredient with different mode of action, provides excellent disease control

    • Controls initial sheath blight infection and prevents its upward spread

    • Exhibits high phytotoxicity tolerance with advised application rates

    • Prolonged efficacy against sheath blight

    • Better management of black scurf disease of potato

    • Uniform and early emergence of potato crop

    • More consistent tuber size and shape

    • Clean, bright skin finishe






240-280 ml in 200 Lit Water

Sheath blight

Potato Tuber

250 ml to treat 800 kg of potato seed

Black scurf


Pickup Address: Bathinda, PUNJAB, 151103
B-95, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Wazirpur, Delhi 110052
Address of origin: B-95, Wazirpur Industrial Area, Wazirpur, Delhi 110052