Technical Content: Metalaxyl 35% WS
Ridomet (Metalaxyl 35% WS) contains a systemic fungicide Metalaxyl and ensures double protection from inside and from outside.
It is a multisite protective fungicide that inhibits spore germination and remains on the leaf surface and interferes with six different biochemical processes within fungal pathogen cells.
It is used for the control of downy mildew of grapes, damping off, and black shank diseases in tobacco in nurseries.
Diseases controlled: Downy mildew in maize, bajra & sorghum as well as seed dresser.
Dosage 0.5gm/ltr water.
Country OF Origin – India
Manufacturer Name – Hifield-AG Chem India Pvt.Ltd
Manufacturing Address - G-39/26, M.I.D.C WALUJ, AURANGABAD 431 136 (M.S.) India.
Pickup Address: AURANGABAD, MAHARASHTRA, 431136
35, NIRALA BAZAR, AURANGABAD, Maharashtra 431136
Address of origin: 35, NIRALA BAZAR, AURANGABAD, Maharashtra 431136