Balance Nutri contains multiple micronutrients, such as Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe), Bore (B), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), and Molybdenum (Mo), which provide nutrients to crops.
This results in increasing the growth of the crops. It also balances the nutritional proportion in the soil.
It is compatible with most spray fertilizers.
It is 100% water soluble.
Easy to use and easy to apply.
It can be used through foliar spray.
It meets the various requirements of the crops.
It helps to produce healthy growth of crops.
It also boosts the growth and development of the crops.
It enhances the crop yield and crop production.
50gm/150-200 liters of water/acre through spray.
5 gm per 15 lit pump
Balance Nutri is suitable for all types of crops.
This is a nice plant nutrient as my plants seem to be nice.
PareshGood produc