Anand Agro Garden Protection Kit is an all-in-one solution designed to protect and enhance the growth of your garden plants. Whether you are dealing with pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies, this kit offers a reliable and easy-to-use solution. It ensures that your plants remain healthy, vibrant, and productive throughout the year.
Flowering plants, ornamental plants, fruit trees and green lawn in garden, kitchen garden or terrace garden suffering from problems like root wilt, yellowing of leaves, stunted growth, reduction flowering and fruiting, flower and fruit dropping and root rot, all fungal and bacterial diseases, sucking pests. The remarkable solution for all these problems is Anand Agro Care's Garden Protection Kit.
Anand Neem:
It is beneficial to control thrips jassids, whiteflies, mealy bugs and other sucking pests.
It keeps harmful pest away from plants and work as an antifeedant.
Dosage: For spraying 1.5 ml/litre
Tough Fight 40% (Liquid):
It effectively controls all fungal and bacterial diseases.
It develops Disease resistance capacity in plant
Dosage: For spraying 1.5 ml/litre
Sea Ruby:
It increases chlorophyll and photosynthesis.
It Increases disease resistance capacity in plant.
It provides plant nutrients like NPK & other Micronutrients.
It increases resistance of crops against biotic & abiotic stress.
Dosage: For spraying 1.5 ml / litre
Insta Bio:
It contains natural amino acids and nutrients.
It increases tillering and flowering in plants.
It improves metabolic activity of plants.
Organic Product
Dosage: For spraying 1.5 ml / litre
How to Use:
Step 1: Take 1 litre Water
Step 2: Dissolve 1.5 ml of Anand Neem, Tough Fight 40%, Sea Ruby & Instabion separately in it.
Step 3: Mix it properly.
Step 4: Now you can use this mixture through spraying.
Note: Dose can be minimize/maximize or reduce/increase as per cropping stage or crop age.
Application Dosage: Take 1 litre water and mix all together
Garden Protection Kit Includes:
Anand Neem
Tough Fight 40% (Liquid)
Sea Ruby
Insta Bio
Pickup Address: Nashik, MAHARASHTRA, 422003
Darpan sankul - B , Jadhav colony, oppt dream castle majhamal Gatt No 176/1, Talegaon(Dindori), Tal, Dindori Nashik, Maharashtra 422003
Address of origin: Darpan sankul - B , Jadhav colony, oppt dream castle majhamal Gatt No 176/1, Talegaon(Dindori), Tal, Dindori Nashik, Maharashtra 422003
Anand Agro Garden Protection Kit is an all-in-one solution designed to protect and enhance the growth of your garden plants. Whether you are dealing with pests, diseases, or nutrient deficiencies, this kit offers a reliable and easy-to-use solution. It ensures that your plants remain healthy, vibrant, and productive throughout the year.