Chemical composition: Alpha Naphtyl Acid 4.5% SL
EBS BOOST IT Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% SL is an active ingredient plant growth regulator used for the purpose of inducing flowering , preventing shedding of flower buds and unripe fruits. It helps in enlarging fruit size, increasing and improving the quality and yield of fruits.
Dosage: 3-4 ml per pump (15-liter water) Detailed Instructions to use is given with the product.
MODE OF ACTION: when sprayed on plants prevents the formation of abscission layer by suppressing ethylene gas produced and hence thereby prevents the shedding of flowers, buds and fruits.
Prevents natural shedding of squares, bolls in cotton, flowers in vegetables, chillies, and fruits like mango. Reduces pre-harvest berry drop in grapes. Increases fruit size in pineapple and grapes.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE: Should be sprayed during the cool part of the day. Individual applications will give good results.