Alpha Napthyl Acetic Acid, 4.5% SL, is a plant growth regulator that benefits various crops.
It is an aqueous solution containing 4.5% (w/w) of the active ingredient. This plant growth regulator induces flowering and helps increase fruit size. Enhance root growth with Spring Ever. Buy Plant growth promoter now and get better crop quality.
Technical Name:
Prevents the natural shedding of squares, bolls in cotton, flowers in vegetables, chilies, and fruits like mango.
Reduces pre-harvest berry drop in grapes.
Increases fruit size in pineapple and grapes.
It improves the quality of the yield.
Mode Of Action:
When sprayed on plants, it suppresses the ethylene gas produced, preventing the formation of an abscission layer and thereby preventing the shedding of flowers, buds, and fruits.
Suitable Crops:
Pineapple, Tomato, Chili, Mango, Cotton, and Grapes.
How To Use:
It should be sprayed during the cool part of the day
Though compatible with most pesticides, individual applications will give good results.
Standard solution:1.5 ml liquid in 4.5 L of water
Apply just before expected flowering.
Drench the whole fruit but avoid the spray drift to the young crop.
Again, wet the entire fruit two weeks before harvest.
First, spray when tender fruits are of pea size.
Malformation before fruit bud differentiation, approximately three months before flowering.
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