Mobomin Plus plant nutrient provider contains high-quality minerals and molybdenum. It is the ideal option for regulating the enzymatic process in plants and crops.
Mobomin Plus offers good health and immunity to the crops.
It increases plant vigor and protects from external threats.
A small portion of the nutrients holds better results.
It restricts chlorosis of leaf margins.
It is ideal for retaining fruit size and leaf structure.
It is also rich in Zinc, Sulphur, and Iron.
Molybdenum as Mo = 4%
Manganese as Mn = 5%
Boron as B = 2%
Zinc as Zn = 6%
Iron as Fe = 5%
Copper as Cu = 2%
Sulphur as S = 5%
Potassium as K = 1%
Use 1 to 1.5 gm of Mobomin per liter of water.
20 to 25 gm per 15 lit water.
Aries Mobomin Plus is used to boost the growth of fruits and vegetables.
It is also compatible with flower and seasonal plants.