GLY-71 is a non-selective, non-residual post-emergence herbicide that contains Ammonium Salt Of Glyphosate 71 SG. It is absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout the plant.
Features and Benefits:
GLY-71 is very effective for use on many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as on many trees and woody brush species in cropland and non-crop sites.
GLY-71 may be applied for general weed control in non-crop industrial, recreational, and public areas and farmstead weed control.
It may also be used to control unwanted vegetation in row crops, vine crops, and tree orchards.
GLY-71 is of low toxicity to birds and aquatic organisms and non-toxic to bees.
It targets only weeds and does not remove crops or grass.
Increases crop production and crop yield.
Maintains the health of the crops by increasing nutrient uptake in the crops.
Enhances the quality of the crops.
Suitable Crops:
Target Weeds:
Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrical, Polygonum perfoliatum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Arundinella bengaliensis, Kalm grass, Sorghum, Sorghum halepense and other dicot & monocot weeds in general.
Wear protective gear to cover your skin and eyes.
Do not smoke, eat or drink while applying the product.
Make sure to wash your hands properly after using herbicide.
Keep it away from children and pets.
Pickup Address: Rajkot, GUJARAT, 360002
Plot No. 8/A, S.I.D.C. Road, Veraval, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002
Address of origin: Plot No. 8/A, S.I.D.C. Road, Veraval, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002