GLY-71 is a non-selective, non-residual post-emergence herbicide that contains Ammonium Salt Of Glyphosate 71 SG. It is absorbed by foliage and translocated throughout the plant.
Features and Benefits:
GLY-71 is very effective for use on many annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds, as well as on many trees and woody brush species in cropland and non-crop sites.
GLY-71 may be applied for general weed control in non-crop industrial, recreational, and public areas and in farmstead weed control.
It may also be used to control unwanted vegetation in row crops, vine crops, and tree orchards.
GLY-71 is of low toxicity to birds and aquatic organisms and non-toxic to bees.
Suitable Crops:
Target Weeds:
Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrical, Polygonum perfoliatum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Arundinella bengaliensis, Kalm grass, Sorghum, Sorghum halepense and other dicot & monocot weeds in general.
Pickup Address: Rajkot, GUJARAT, 360002
Plot No. 8/A, S.I.D.C. Road, Veraval, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002
Address of origin: Plot No. 8/A, S.I.D.C. Road, Veraval, Rajkot, Gujarat 360002