Tomato - Nutrition - Iron Deficiency

  • 47%
    Fe 12% of Cropex of Cropex

    Iron Easy Fe-EDTA 12% Improves Chlorophyll formation, Prevents and Corrects Iron Deficiencies


    5799 11000

    Discount : 5201

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    Fe 12% of Utkarsh Agrochem Pvt. of Utkarsh Agrochem Pvt.

    Utkarsh FeGro (Iron- Fe-12% EDTA Chelated) (100% Water Soluble Foliar Spray), Stimulates and Regulates Enzyme Reactions for the Growth


    360 540

    Discount : 180

  • 13%
    Fe 12% of VR International  of VR International

    Total-IRON EDTA Chelated Fe Micronutrient Fertilizer, Best And Result Oriented (IRON-12%)


    2180 2495

    Discount : 315

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  • 6%
    Liquid Multi Micronutrient Fertilizer of Bharat Agro Chemicals of Bharat Agro Chemicals

    BACF Mixon Mix Micronutrient , Provides Plant Nutrition In a Wide Variety of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Ornamental Crops

    (4.5)  - 4

    702 745

    Discount : 43

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