Rice - Protection - Rice Tungro Virus

  • 50%
    Imidacloprid 30.5% SC of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Bomba Super - Imidacloprid 30.5% SC Insecticide, For controlling Jassid, Aphid, Thrips, and Termites in Various Crops

    (4.8)  - 13

    745 1480

    Discount : 735

  • 45%
    Thiamethoxam 30% FS of UPL Limited of UPL Limited

    UPL Reno Thiamethoxam 30% FS For Seed Treatment Insecticide, Use For Chili, Cotton, Maize, Okra, Soybean, sunflower and Wheat


    1322 2400

    Discount : 1078

  • 44%
    Thiamethoxam 70% WS of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Texan PW - Thiamethoxam 70% WS, Systemic Insecticide, For Controlling Aphids, Jassids, Thrips And Whiteflies

    (4.9)  - 14

    307 550

    Discount : 243

  • 36%
    Viricide of Vanproz Agrovet LLP of Vanproz Agrovet LLP

    V Bind Viral Disease Special, Cure against Viral diseases, Treating Leaf Mosaic, Bunchy top, Leaf Curl and Other Viral Diseases.

    (4.8)  - 102

    290 450

    Discount : 160

  • 36%
    Viricide of YK Laboratories of YK Laboratories

    Virus Special (Set of Immuno 1 ltr + Enviro 1 ltr), Botanical Viricide, Contain Auxins, Cytokinins.

    (4.8)  - 10

    1627 2550

    Discount : 923

  • 21%
    Dimethoate 30% EC of FMC India Pvt of FMC India Pvt

    FMC Rogor - Dimethoate 30% EC, Effective Against Aphids, Thrips, Mites And White Flies

    (4.3)  - 3

    487 620

    Discount : 133