Onion - Nutrition - Nitrogen deficiency

  • 19%

    BACF Mixon Mix Micronutrient , Provides Plant Nutrition In a Wide Variety of Agriculture, Horticulture, and Ornamental Crops

    (4.5)  - 4

    601.00 745.00

    Discount : 144.00

  • 17%

    Thyla NPK Vegetable Growth Special, Nitrogen 8%, Phosphorus 8%, Potash 8%, Protein Hydrolysate 20%, Organic carbon less than 40%

    (5.0)  - 4

    555.00 670.00

    Discount : 115.00

  • 11%

    Thyla N (Nitrogen) Yield Enhancer. Increase the chlorophyll content in the leaves leading to higher photosynthetic rate.

    (5.0)  - 2

    550.00 620.00

    Discount : 70.00