Muskmelon - Protection - Mosaic virus

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    Viricide of Cropex of Cropex

    Orcon Bacterial & Viral Disease, Specialty Spray Adjuvant, Clove surfactant 90% min. and Emulsifier dispersing agents & diluents 10% max.

    (4.8)  - 25

    816 1704

    Discount : 888

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    Dimethoate 30% EC of HPM Chemicals and of HPM Chemicals and

    HPM Rogohit Dimethoate 30% EC, Broad Spectrum Insecticide and Acaricide with Contact and Stomach Action


    3017 6020

    Discount : 3003

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    Tomato And Cucurbit Special of YK Laboratories of YK Laboratories

    Tomato and Gourd Farming Special for Virus Control (Cureal 500ml + Immuno 1L + Enviro 1L + Rootex 2L)

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    Viricide of Vanproz Agrovet LLP of Vanproz Agrovet LLP

    V Bind Viral Disease Special, Cure against Viral diseases, Treating Leaf Mosaic, Bunchy Top, Leaf Curl, and Other Viral Diseases.

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    290 450

    Discount : 160

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