Tomato - Protection - Aphid

  • 39%
    Thiamethoxam 25% WG of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Texan - Thiamethoxam 25% WG, Broad-Spectrum Systemic Insecticide for Stem Borer, Gall Midge, Leaf Folder, BPH, Whitefly, and Thrips

    (4.6)  - 144

    522 853

    Discount : 331

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  • 39%
    Neem Oil of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Neemz - Natural and Water-Soluble Neem Oil to Reduce Insect Growth, Effective Against Thrips, Whiteflies, Aphids, Leaf Miners, and Bugs

    (4.6)  - 163

    414 676

    Discount : 262

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  • 34%
    Monocrotophos 36% SL of Rain Bio Tech of Rain Bio Tech

    Monorin , Monocrotophos 36% SL Insecticide , Best For Aphid, Leaf Hopper And Thrips, Gray Weevil , Ballworms, Brown Plant, Hopper, Green Leaf Hopper

    (4.6)  - 88

    1119 1690

    Discount : 571

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  • 34%
    Imidacloprid 30.5% SC of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Bomba Super - Imidacloprid 30.5% SC Insecticide, To Control Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, and Termites in Various Crops

    (4.4)  - 83

    495 750

    Discount : 255

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