Tinda/Round Melon - Protection - Leaf minor

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    Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG of Bharat Agro Chemicals of Bharat Agro Chemicals

    BACF EVOKE - Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG Effective Insecticide , Controls all types of Gardening and Agricultural Insects.

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    Cotton Special of Cropex of Cropex

    Orcon+ Speciality Adjuvant with Antifeedant Properties. For Chilli, Cotton & Paddy, Specially for Black Thrips In Chilli Crop

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    Larvicide - Biological of Noble Crop Science of Noble Crop Science

    Star One - Larvicide for Bollworms, Fruit and Shoot Borer, and Leaf Miner, Non-Toxic and Effective Against All Larvae

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    Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% of UPL Limited of UPL Limited

    UPL Lancer Gold Acephate 50% + Imidacloprid 1.8% SP , Used To Kill Both Chewing And Sucking Insects.

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    Perfofyer Insect Pest Repellent & Leaf Miner Controller, Bitter compounds 5% Water 95%, Safe Products, Non-Toxic , Residue Free Products.

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